The 2012 Summer ultra-thin invisible sexy show stovepipe socks

The 2012 Summer ultra-thin invisible sexy show stovepipe socks
US $21.00/ piece
Discount Price:
US $18.90/ piece(3 days left )
Bulk Price:
US $21.00/piece
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    Processing Time:
    Ships out within 10 days
    Unit Type:
    Package Weight:
    Package Size:
    15cm x 10cm x 5cm

    Item Specifications:

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    Item Description:

    Product color: blackcolorlight grey

    Materialdescription:cored wire

    In aseason:spring and Autumn

    The design highlights:Sexyall-match

    Process Description:1,can bein front,putstockingssoaked in thepotadd a littlevinegar orsand.

    2,the newstockingsboughtin the freezer for one or twodays,and then place theday after,wear,can increasethetoughness ofsilk stockings.

    3,silk stockingstoimmediatelyaftercleaningin thecleaning,when to usemild soap and waterto makestockingssoakedfor a while,the use of mildneutral soaporshampoorubbedgentlypatin warm water(water temperature does not exceed 30 degrees),ordetergentnetbubble(laundry detergentdo not have chlorineorbleach),dryingwith a towelwill be siphoning off excess water,most avoidsunlight,as long asthe sunshines directlythefiberelastic fatigueisreduced,and then topegthesocksto dry,do notbask in thebambooor othersmoothframe,easy tohook silk.

    4,if thecleaning andwashing machine,put thesilk stockingsin the washingnetagaininto.Notthis timealso can protect thestockingscleaningisa yarn.A pair ofbrightsilk stockingsmakes youdouble charm,believein accordance with the above method,yourstockingswill bebeautiful andnot easy towear,take off silkworrywill alsoget rid of.

    Tile measuring size(unit:cm /CMmeasurement)


    Product index:[][]the thickness ofsoftindexindex

    Thinmoderatethickness issofthardmoderate soft

    [][index]'selasticity index

    No bombmoderatestretchelasticloose-fittingself-cultivationtight

    Washing instructions:hand wash.Cold watertowashing,after washingtodry ventilated place,do notexposure,will makeclothes discolorationorpoor quality.