Stewardess clothing summer stewardess uniforms professional set ktv clothes female work wear

Stewardess clothing summer stewardess uniforms professional set ktv clothes female work wear
US $27.36/ piece
    Please select a Color
      Please select a Size
      Processing Time:
      Ships out within 7 days
      Unit Type:
      Package Weight:
      Package Size:
      15cm x 15cm x 15cm

      Item Specifications:

      Item Type:
      Skirt Suits
      Sleeve Length:
      Women's extra large / quinquagenarian:
      type other designs

      Item Description:

      • Product Option List

      Note: The following information is for reference only. Please contact the seller to get the detailed information.



      The appendtiff long-sleeve red . s463
      long-sleeve red paragraph . m491
      long-sleeve red paragraph . l459
      long-sleeve paragraph red . xl473
      long-sleeve paragraph blue . s500
      paragraph long-sleeve blue . m497
      long-sleeve paragraph blue . l451
      long-sleeve paragraph blue . xl496
      paragraph black long-sleeve . s489
      paragraph black long-sleeve . m495
      long-sleeve paragraph black . l491
      long-sleeve paragraph black . xl490
      paragraph short-sleeve black . s500
      paragraph short-sleeve red . s497
      paragraph short-sleeve blue . s496
      paragraph short-sleeve black . m498
      paragraph short-sleeve red . m474
      short-sleeve paragraph blue . m497
      paragraph short-sleeve black . l500
      paragraph short-sleeve red . l499
      paragraph short-sleeve blue . l497
      paragraph short-sleeve black . xl500
      paragraph short-sleeve red . xl499
      paragraph short-sleeve blue . xl496
      • Product Details

      • size information

      note : the following information is for reference only . please contact the seller to get the detailed information .

      s : clothing long 50cm 74-84cm bust waist 68-72cm skirt long 33cm
      m : clothing long 51cm 78-88cm bust waist 72-76cm skirt long 34cm
      l : clothing long 53cm 82-92cm bust waist 76-80cm skirt long 35cm
      xl : clothing long 54cm 86-96cm bust waist 80-86cm skirt long 36cm