1. We only sell original order from authorized factories of Europe/USA brands, not replica and copy. Kindly note that on some occasions, the main/wash labels may different or be cut for brand inspection and customs clearance, pls cfm before placing order, thanks.
2. Quantity is limited and changing fast, pls contact us for the updated status before placing order
3. Shipping via EMS and you can also use sea forwarder for much cheaper shipping cost.
4. Price is based on 10~50pcs, if purchase in bulk or take all, please contact us for better discount and recalculate the shipping cost accordingly.
5. All cargo will be inspected before delivering to you and well packed for long-distance shipping
6. If you need detailed product info, please leave your email to us and we can send you our updated catalogue with FOB shanghai price via daily email.
Any question, pls feel free to contact me and sincerely hope a fruitufl cooperation between us.