FreeShipping 2012 hooded slim rabbit fur coat large raccoon fur outerwear

FreeShipping 2012 hooded slim rabbit fur coat large raccoon fur outerwear
US $277.13 - 314.48/ piece
Discount Price:
US $263.27-298.76/ piece(21h:37m:54s)
    Please select a Color
      Please select a Size
      Processing Time:
      Ships out within 10 days
      Unit Type:
      Package Weight:
      Package Size:
      40cm x 30cm x 10cm

      Item Specifications:

      Outerwear Type:
      Fur & Faux Fur
      Clothing Length:
      Sleeve Length:
      suitable crowd age:
      30 - 34 year old
      front fly:
      three button
      collar type:
      with a hood / cap collar
      sleeve type:
      regular sleeve
      2012 winter
      classification of fabric:
      rabbit fur
      fashion element / technology:
      pocket, button, gauze, lace, fur collar

      Item Description:

      • Product Option List

      Note: The following information is for reference only. Please contact the seller to get the detailed information.



      Brown . m47
      brown . l49
      brown . xl49
      brown . xxl46
      brown . xxxl50
      black . m41
      black . l40
      black . xl44
      black . xxl43
      black . xxxl42
      red . m40
      red . l40
      red . xl38
      red . xxl40
      red . xxxl40
      white . m39
      Wine red . m39
      Pink . m40
      orange . m40
      white . l37
      Wine red . l34
      Pink . l39
      orange . l40
      white . xl40
      Wine red . xl36
      Pink . xl39
      orange . xl40
      white . xxl40
      Wine red . xxl40
      Pink . xxl38
      orange . xxl40
      white . xxxl40
      Wine red . xxxl40
      Pink . xxxl40
      orange . xxxl40
      • Product Details

      • size information

      note : the following information is for reference only . please contact the seller to get the detailed information .

      products of the cards/ yasitu
      classfur coat
      paragraph numberyst558
      material qualitative100%rabbit fur clothing body cap collar edge raccoon fur collar and cuff raccoon fur
      in the material100%terylene
      face colormulticolor
      uniform price7880rmb

      measurementshoulder widthbustsleeve lengthclothing long
       m3888half sleeve 40 9 sub-sleeve 54long design 76 short design 53
      L3992half sleeve 41 9 sub-sleeve 55long design 77 short design 54
      xl4096half sleeve 42 9 sub-sleeve 56long design 78 short design 55
      xxl41100half sleeve 43 9 sub-sleeve 57long design 79 short design 56
      xxxl42104half sleeve 44 9 sub-sleeve 58long design 80 short design 57
      xxxxl43108half sleeve 45 9 sub-sleeve 59long design 81 short design 58