1cupnon-toxic,odorless,harmlessimportsbiochemicalsilicone material.
2, theintegrationofmanyprinciples ofmodernphysics, physiology,ergonomics,medicine and theuniverse,light wavesand othermadeto improvethewindingof womensuch asbreastdysplasia,post-partumrelaxation,drooping,breast deformity, atrophyandfatexpand outsidetroubles, but alsomany women'sbreasta dream come true.
3,high-tech productscan be reused,theglialownattached tothebreast,even ifduetointense exerciseandsweating, do not worryitwill fall.
5,thesiliconecupshapeand texture of theapproximatehuman skinas natural, andthebreast of a femaleoneshape, just likethechestof contact lenses.
Twoinvisiblebra,removableshoulder strap,no matterwhat kind ofdresstolet youwithout leaving any traces, you can alsoget rid oftheoppressiveandrimsLehenfatto producethebackthere will not bepushed.Glued to thechest
7,before the deductionofthis productenables you tohaveabeautifulcleavage.
Second, the use ofmatters
1, washing
With soap and watertoremovegrease and dirtonthebreast, notcoated withanylotionandlubricationitems,with a softtoweltodrytheskin,keep the skin dry.
2, wear
Stand in front of the mirror,flipcupoutwith both hands,hold theedge of the cup,thecupplacedintheappropriateposition.Slowlywith your fingertipsto adjustittotheedge of thebreast under theseal.Repeat the above stepstoputanothercup,anddeterminehighly consistenton both sides
Free Shipping!Genuine invisible bra / silicone bra / invisible chest paste / 4 doubly thick

- Price:
US $28.00/ piece- Discount Price:
- US $19.60/ piece(9 days left )
- Bulk Price:
- US $28.00/pieceAdditional 10% off(10 pieces or more)
- Cup Size:
- Please select a Cup Size
- Processing Time:
- Ships out within 7 days
- Unit Type:
- piece
- Package Weight:
- 0.2kg
- Package Size:
- 8cm x 5cm x 4cm