Product Option List
Note: The following information is for reference only. Please contact the seller to get the detailed information.
Options | Quantity |
Red . Size fits all | 462 |
black . Size fits all | 27 |
purple . Size fits all | 40 |
Pink . Size fits all | 81 |
Light yellow . Size fits all | 16 |
Violet . Size fits all | 0 |
orange . xs | 47 |
orange . Size fits all | 0 |
red . xs | 21 |
purple . xs | 46 |
black . xs | 25 |
Pink . xs | 59 |
Light yellow . xs | 0 |
Violet . xs | 20 |
brown . xs | 0 |
brown . Size fits all | 20 |
white . xs | 0 |
white . Size fits all | 0 |
Wine red . xs | 0 |
Wine red . Size fits all | 0 |
blue . xs | 0 |
blue . Size fits all | 0 |
Product Details
size information
note : the following information is for reference only . please contact the seller to get the detailed information .
* this raiddue manufacturers are rush , don't all have packaging carton , label care label complete , notrequire transparent sealing bags packaging . please l4.50 pro pardoned !
two paragraph underwear separatedlyultra-thinstyle , specially for ultra-thin underwear nucleophilic . materialsoft jingshu skintouch is a plus , suitable forinternalitydress . don't piti ultra-thin paragraph pro , legalism photo ~ dark color yiyi ( as purple and black , dahongyu etc ) , due is multi-layer dyeing , the first swallet 'll somemildfade , unorthodox the normal incidents , does not affect itself . the first swallet 's & ldquo . bleached & rdquo . just to fall off attachment in fiber surface color . after the absolutewon'tnecessary bleached ! please pro assured oh ~ therefore advice l4.50 pro , wearing before the will yiyi separatelycold watermarinaras 15 minutes ( can put into a small amount of fabric softener or use small amount of transparent soap ,don'tput in a large number of washing powder or liquid laundry detergent ) , roughdry it can endomorph wear palacerigg . |