Fashion h & y y ultra-thin seamless gentle bra 65b70bc75bc80b

Fashion h & y y ultra-thin seamless gentle bra 65b70bc75bc80b
US $16.55/ piece
Processing Time:
Ships out within 7 days
Unit Type:
Package Weight:
Package Size:
20cm x 10cm x 10cm

Item Specifications:

Item Type:

Item Description:

  • Product Option List

Note: The following information is for reference only. Please contact the seller to get the detailed information.



White glossy . 1 code 3d65b70a0
% white glossy . 2 code 3d70b75a0
% white glossy . 3 code 3d70c75b80a0
% white glossy . 90c % 3d75c80b0
inframammary black car shaping yarn . 1 code 3d65b70a0
% black inframammary car shaping yarn . 2 code 3d70b75a0
% black inframammary car shaping yarn . 3 code 3d70c75b80a0
% black inframammary car shaping yarn . 90c % 3d75c80b1
glossy black . 1 code 3d65b70a0
% glossy black . 2 code 3d70b75a0
% glossy black . 3 code 3d70c75b80a1
% glossy black . 90c % 3d75c80b0
a word black . 1 code 3d65b70a0
a % word black . 2 code 3d70b75a0
a % word black . 3 code 3d70c75b80a0
a % word black . 90c % 3d75c80b0
a word white . 1 code 3d65b70a0
a % word white . 2 code 3d70b75a0
a % word white . 3 code 3d70c75b80a1
a % word white . 90c % 3d75c80b0
incarcerators glossy . 1 code 3d65b70a0
% incarcerators glossy . 2 code 3d70b75a0
% incarcerators glossy . 3 code 3d70c75b80a0
% incarcerators glossy . 90c % 3d75c80b0
  • Product Details

  • size information

note : the following information is for reference only . please contact the seller to get the detailed information .