Blazer belt patchwork one-piece dress chiffon skirt style color

Blazer belt patchwork one-piece dress chiffon skirt style color
US $26.81/ piece
    Please select a Color
      Please select a Size
      Processing Time:
      Ships out within 7 days
      Unit Type:
      Package Weight:
      Package Size:
      15cm x 15cm x 10cm

      Item Specifications:

      Item Type:
      Skirt Suits
      Sleeve Length:
      Three Quarter
      skirt bottom:
      other skirt bottoms
      Women's extra large / quinquagenarian type:

      Item Description:

      • Product Option List

      Note: The following information is for reference only. Please contact the seller to get the detailed information.



      Black paragraph chiffon skirt . 9 code0
      light blue paragraph suit ( palp collocations with skirt photographed ) . 9 code0
      black paragraph suit ( palp collocations with skirt photographed ) . 9 code0
      light blue paragraph chiffon skirt . 9 code12
      light blue paragraph patchwork skirt . 9 code3
      dot the appendtiff patchwork skirt . 9 code0
      black paragraph patchwork skirt . 9 code0
      black paragraph chiffon skirt . 11 code4
      light blue paragraph suit ( palp collocations with skirt photographed ) . 11 code0
      black paragraph suit ( palp collocations with skirt photographed ) . 11 code0
      light blue paragraph chiffon skirt . 11 code0
      light blue paragraph patchwork skirt . 11 code0
      dot the appendtiff patchwork skirt . 11 code0
      black paragraph patchwork skirt . 11 code0
      black paragraph chiffon skirt . 13 code0
      light blue paragraph suit ( palp collocations with skirt photographed ) . 13 code1
      black paragraph suit ( palp collocations with skirt photographed ) . 13 code0
      light blue paragraph chiffon skirt . 13 code0
      light blue paragraph patchwork skirt . 13 code0
      dot the appendtiff patchwork skirt . 13 code0
      black paragraph patchwork skirt . 13 code0
      • Product Details

      • size information

      note : the following information is for reference only . please contact the seller to get the detailed information .


      purchasement : because of the color and style multi , free combination to buy

      outerwear + patchwork skirt ,

      or outerwear + chiffon bearing pleat skirt ,

      note palacerigg , outerwear can not be single pats the phenylketonuric ,

      skirt single to pat

      fashion citizenry :

      2011 years play wind ,

      several product combination , heart , extension creative space .

      the series jumper 's one button blazer ,

      and sense patchwork one-piece dress , and formal 's chiffon pleated skirt ,

      to ol more and more save money piously .

      dot the appendtiff , with low profile color to annotate polka dot the popular hot spot

      black series traditional formal color , slim whereas flamines

      light color system walk litheness new formal color , fresh natural

      patchwork one-piece dress with delicate 3 a ruffle hem most embellishment , rearranged whereas fresh

      collar details zoom : design ,

      lines beautiful , radin looks very comfortable

      blazer waist 's patchwork , make the waist looks more slender


      classic 's pleated skirt design





      completely close range , omething aftermarket , let you buy rest assured !




      purchasement : because of the color and style multi , free combination to buy

      outerwear + patchwork skirt ,

      or outerwear + chiffon bearing pleat skirt ,


      note palacerigg , outerwear can not be single pats the phenylketonuric , skirt single to pat


      suit :
      9 code : clothing long 52 , bust 92 , shoulder width 38.6 , sleeve length 43 ( three quarter sleeve )
      11 code : clothing long 52.5 , bust 95 , shoulder width 39.2 , sleeve length 43.5 ( three quarter sleeve )
      13 code : clothing long 53 , bust 98 , shoulder width 39.8 , sleeve length 44 ( three quarter sleeve )

      patchwork skirt :
      9 code : clothing long 91 , bust 92 , shoulder width 37
      11 code : clothing long 91.5 , bust 95 , shoulder width 37.6
      13 code : clothing long 92 , bust 98 , shoulder width 38.2

      chiffon skirt :
      9 code : waist 67 , skirt long 56
      11 code : waist 70 , skirt long 56
      13 code : waist 73 , skirt long 56