After the postpartum beauty care shaper abdomen drawing straitest slimming corset underwear female

After the postpartum beauty care shaper abdomen drawing straitest slimming corset underwear female
US $98.19/ piece
Discount Price:
US $91.32/ piece(5 days left )
    Please select a Color
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      Processing Time:
      Ships out within 7 days
      Unit Type:
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      Package Size:
      20cm x 10cm x 10cm

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      Material graphic pattern:
      solid color
      design details:
      seamless / one-piece design

      Item Description:

      • Product Option List

      Note: The following information is for reference only. Please contact the seller to get the detailed information.



      Black . xl491
      black . l469
      black . m463
      black . s473
      black . xxl497
      black . xs489
      beige . xs496
      beige . s490
      beige . m475
      beige . l487
      beige . xl494
      beige . xxl499
      • Product Details

      • size information

      note : the following information is for reference only . please contact the seller to get the detailed information .


      ( 46 / liposuction 300ns postoperativebody shapingwith / puerperal , the lifethe beauty care slimming shaping with )

      the national uniform price780 elementtaobao480yuan
      productyesbody shapingproduct , products by pressure therapy fat and mobile principle , by exerting uniform constant pressure , reach of remaking don't uniform fat , mobile and puddled effect , achieve physiques 's improve , reach slimming , of remaking physiques purpose .

      liposuction postoperative why need to wearbody shapingclothing ?

      liposuction ( liposuction ) postoperatively rehabilitation shaping the period of , wear pressurized 'sbody shapingclothing is very important ,body shapingclothing which can remissionsurgical parts pain , reduce edema , improve parts blue , ( by fat displaced principle ) to incongruous fat reshaping , make its instauration normal proportion , remaking operated adipose tissue , make restore smooth state , avoided postoperative bumpmaps cobblyldquo . hills & rdquo . phenomenology .



         postoperatively usebody shapingunderwear skin exerting pressure , remaking operated adipose tissue , make restore smooth state , avoided postoperative bumpmaps cobbly & ldquo . hills & rdquo . phenomenon .

      performance :
      book products usedhigh elastic mesh ( powernet)fabric , warpthree needle five linespecial technology machining , elastic big , even pressure , has , thin breathable , wearing
      comfortable , for skin none stimulate , edformation and good histocompatibility , current beijing , no106 region largest salesbody shapingclothing , specially used anthropometry , neck jaw , arms , chest , back ,waist and abdomen and hip , thigh , leg parts such as physiques remaking , is 46 postoperatively inbody shapingand consolidation physiques . present metroplis , no106 2 to market share up to 50% above , book store is manufacturers direct supply under , through the network , will high quality product , at the lowest price provide you need friend .! !

      the lifethe shaping necessary ?

      modern life pressure large , almost no time to do sports , throughbody shapingclothing to change the idolised and good somatotype is imperative , choicebody shapingproducts will bring you want effect .

      wearbody shapingclothing really 'll lose weight ?

      First , need is clearbody shapingclothing and radically reduce fat , it uses the body flow mechanics , guide fat , and by pressure therapy , exerting pressure , remaking don't uniform fat , mobile and puddled . long wearbody shapingclothing can reach metastasis of fat , adjustment statural percentages . second , and liposuction surgery and eat diet pills different ,body shapingclothing is by physics methods of remaking physiques , slimming effect , just choose your suitablebody shapingproduct and reasonable wearing , for health without any side effects . furthermore ,body shapingclothing guide lipometabolic and bondage role , can be effective control appetite , correct posture .body shapingclothing losthis make you look thin , long wearing and match with a certain sports . 'll radically reduce fat , let you really thin !

      body shapingclothing wear how to have effect ?

      often insisted on every day wearing , in 1 to 2 month can effect , suggest wearing 3 month above , achieves desired adherenceand consolidation irresilience . that is not wearbody shapingclothing when , measurement also evidently . our customers whatever it is puerperal or usual used slimming success example very much , used to slimming a month insisted on wear down thin 6 - 10 jin1 normal 's , especially puerperal macilent very fast a month even more than a month point 'll 'll thin 10 jin1 or more ,body shapingclothing diet is a physical slimming , althought can't like 46 operation fast , persevering wear effect still appreciably 's , anyhowbody shapingclothing diet 's healthy diet , want to be macilent faster to , one is insisted wearbody shapingClothing , another is upholding wearbody shapingclothing while increasing the necessary sports , control diet , such words macilent 'll faster . note oh ! this control diet method unfrench delivery nursing mothers .

      body shapingclothing wear long can won't pine ?

      right wearing and cleaning , can keep enough long , general 3 to 6 months , but the main or according to your personal macilent tourian changepages 's ,body shapingclothing there is elastic range , average elastic scope in 4-6 cm within , if lankier overleapt measurement range , that want to change the new . don't to changebody shapingclothing to spend and distressed , if wearbody shapingclothing Size big , changing small a yard , think of dresses of unsuitable Size inaccessible to effect , blairites that is better than don't wear . want to buybody shapingclothing sister younger sisters please recognizes this , nevertheless the somewhat direct , but it is very realistic . like liposuction surgery , some people spend tens yuan surgical , but laboured flower dozens dollars one pieces clothes , low pressure , clothes thick , the lifethe daily , can think a can please ? don't white flowers tens of thousands of good , buybody shapingclothing don't blind buy , to choose professionalbody shapingclothing , suitable Size , only 'll comfortable . macilent fast .

      And generalbody shapingclothing comparison :

      1 ,after surgery pressure suit ( has faster fadeout market ) :thick , breathable inhibity , pressure and elastic durable poor sex , hfhs , fabric hard , friction skin , long time dressed 'll appearskin wear , blister and skin rash phenomenon , especially the summer mugginess profusely , comfort extremely bad , only suitable for postoperative the prepubertal ( 3 - 7 day ) unflowing with .book store product can during the postsurgical directly replace use , for honorabel buyers save unnessary expenditure .

      2 ,beauty carebody shapingunderwear :for liposuction specially designed , available in this kind of products fabric elastic , uneven pressure , displaced phenomenon , laciness decoration the overmany , cause skin surface stay havebody shapingclothing texture .body shapingbar ( whalebone ) for surgical parts inordinate strain , formed don't restorable gash , make skin rugged phenomenon , and have many in design insufficient (such as : open file design , convenient postoperative toilet , very important) , use the inconvenience and influence surgery .


      1. insistence is clincher , physics pressurized shaping is a incrementally process , general need to use 1 2 month obvious effect , suggest use 3 month , attainability ideal adherenceand consolidation don't neutrosphere . also can be long term care use . but such as the use of long enough , due to the bone and muscle elasticity effect , may cause .
      2. product suitable for all day dressed , sleep can use , daily use stick 8 + hour , party good effect , convenient words as possible to extend the time , can enhance , use of time and effect proportional .

      as is the long time use , 1200 2 set turn over replacement wash , can be extend product service life and reinforced .