Note: The following information is for reference only. Please contact the seller to get the detailed information.
Options | Quantity |
Black . m | 590 |
black . l | 586 |
Pink . m | 580 |
Pink . l | 592 |
Khaki . m | 586 |
Khaki . l | 585 |
yellow . m | 7 |
Wine red . m | 7 |
yellow . l | 7 |
Wine red . l | 7 |
note : the following information is for reference only . please contact the seller to get the detailed information .
Size | bust | waist | shoulder width | sleeve length | clothing long |
m | mdash . & mdash . | mdash . & mdash . | mdash . & mdash . | mdash . & mdash . | 66 |
l | mdash . & mdash . | mdash . & mdash . | mdash . & mdash . | mdash . & mdash . | 68 |
fitting of people | height / weight | everyday wear | fitting Size | fitting feel |
xiao | 162/84 | m | m | design is in place |
xiaoliu | 160/98 | l | m | Size suitable , design good |
| 168/112 | xl | l | magnitude , very explicit elegant |
fly | 167/130 | xxl | l | Appropriate size , design in place , wear noble |